Bible study through questioning, seeking, growing, and immersion in truth and wisdom.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet."

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It is the intention of this web site to assist one in approaching the bible from a perspective that welcomes questioning. Some other approaches tend to stifle or inhibit. Since we are all learning, we should not be offended by differences or fearful of getting something wrong.



Prophecy Reference Date made Date fulfilled
Babylon rules over Judah for 70 years Jeremiah 25:11-12 between 626 to 586 BC Fulfilled 539 BC
Babylon's gates open for Cyrus Isaiah 45:1 between 701 and 681 BC Fulfilled 539 BC
Edom will be destroyed Jeremiah 49:18-20 between 626 to 586 BC approximately 100 BC
Famine in Egypt
Alexander's empire split in four
Egypt will not rule over other nations Ezekiel 29:15 between 593-571 BC continuing
Nineveh would be destroyed Nahum 3:7 between 725 and 742 BC 612 BC